皮匠和银行家 The Cobbler and the Banker 2009/04/29 |
A cobbler passed his time in singing from morning till night; it was wonderful to see, wonderful to hear him; he was more cont... |
英文童话故事:神磨 2009/04/29 |
英汉对照A long time ago, far, far away, there lived two brothers. One of them was quite rich: the other was very poor. The rich br... |
英语成语故事:不合时宜 2009/04/29 |
Ignorance of the objective world In the State of Lu, there was a couple of husband and wife, the former being an expert shoe... |
英语成语故事:大义灭亲 2009/04/29 |
Uphold justice at the cost of one's blood relation During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC), there was many dukedoms u... |
英语成语故事:大公无私 2009/04/29 |
Perfectly impartial During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), a very noble official caled Qi Huangyang lived in the S... |
英语成语故事:惊弓之鸟 2009/04/29 |
One day, as he was standing by the side of the King of Wei, a flock of swan geese were flying over. With confidence, Geng Yi... |
英语成语故事:李代桃僵 2009/04/29 |
This idiom comes from a old folk song. the last two stanzas go like this: One family has five brothers, all serving to a mi... |
英语成语故事:起死回生 2009/04/29 |
One day, he heard about the sudden death of the prince of the State of Guo when he was passing the country. He inquired abou... |
英语成语故事:笑里藏刀 2009/04/29 |
Hide a Dagger in a Smile there was a minister named Li Yifu during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). He was good at flattering peop... |
英语成语故事:打草惊蛇 2009/04/29 |
Long long ago, a county magistrate named Wang Lu worked in present day Anhui province, East China. Wang Lu was very GREedy a... |