英语童话故事(文本):The Lion and the Dolphin 2010/03/15 |
saying that of all the animals they ought to be the best friends,since the one was the king of beasts on the earth, and the otherwas the s... |
英语童话故事(文本):The Lion and the Eagle 2010/03/15 |
'I have no objection, but you must excuse me for requiring you tofind surety for your good faith, for how can I trust anyone as afriend wh... |
英语童话故事(文本):The Lion in a Farmyard 2010/03/15 |
flew upon the sheep and killed them, and then attacked the oxen. The Farmer, beginning to be alarmed for his own safety, openedthe gate an... |
英语寓言故事(文本):熊、狮子和狐狸 2010/01/13 |
each other and were faint from the long combat, they lay downexhausted with fatigue. A Fox, who had gone round them at adistance several t... |
英语寓言故事(文本):狮子、驴子和狐狸 2010/01/13 |
on their return from the forest asked the Ass to allot his dueportion to each of the three partners in the treaty. The Asscarefully divide... |
英语童话故事(文本):The Lion, the Fox and the Beasts 2010/03/15 |
So the Goat came to the Lion's cave, and stopped there listeningfor a long time. Then a Sheep went in, and before she came out aCalf came ... |
英语寓言故事(文本):牧人和丢失的牛 2010/01/13 |
if he could only discover the thief who had stolen the Calf, hewould offer a lamb in sacrifice to Hermes, Pan, and the GuardianDeities of ... |
英语童话故事(文本):The Horse and His Rider 2010/03/15 |
emergencies and fed him carefully with hay and corn. But whenthe war was over, he only allowed him chaff to eat and made himcarry heavy lo... |
英语童话故事(文本):Jupiter and the Monkey 2010/01/23 |
英语童话故事:Jupiter and the Monkey
deemed the handsomest. The Monkey came with the rest andpresented, with all a mother's tenderness, a flat-n... |
英文小故事(文本):The elephant did it 2009/12/14 |
英文小故事(文本):The elephant did it
A man was travelling abroad in a small red car. One day he left the car and went shopping. When he came b... |