
英文小故事(文本):Goodnight, Mel (晚安,梅尔)

来源: data.06abc.com 作者: bobo 感谢 bobo 上传 0人参与


One day, Mel was riding her bike down Crazy Street. (It got it"s name by having crazy twists and turns.) When Mel was riding threw a twist, she saw a girl standing in front of her. Mel stopped the bike just in time. "Hi," Mel said. "I"m Melanie, and I like to be called Mel. Who are you?" The girl stood there for a long moment. "Lizzie," she replied finally. "I am new here, and shy. Will you show me around Mel?" "Sure, of course!" Mel agreed as she put down her kick stand. "My bike will be okay here. For now, at least."
Mel showed Lizzie around Crazy Street, Wild Creek, (which was a creek where the water was so wild and had so many rapids) Dark Forest, (which was a forest which was always dark) Sparkling Falls, (which was a water fall which always sparkled and shined.) and Animal Cave. (That"s where all the animals came during the winter and hybernated) When they got back to Crazy Street, Mel"s bike was laying flat on the ground. "I was sure I put the kickstand up," Mel said with worry. "Maybe, it fell down anyway," Lizzie suggested. "I don"t think so," Lizzie replied. "Maybe it was an animal, let"s go to my house," Mel said. Mel rode her bike to her house. "Here we are," Mel said as they finally got there. "Home at last."
They walked into the house when Mel"s Mom said, "hello Mel. Who"s this?" "This is Lizzie," Mel intruduced. "She"s new in town, so she asked me to show her around." Mel hugged her Mom. "Oh Mommy, may Lizzie please stay over to play?" "Yes," Mom replied, hugging Mel back. "Of course. Do you know your new phone number, Lizzie? Maybe you can stay for a sleep over." "Yes, I do know my new phone number." She told her. Mom diled the numbers and talked to Lizzie"s Mom. "It"s all set," Mom said after she hung up the phone. "Lizzie, your Mom is dropping off some of your clothes."




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