
儿童英语剧:Ten Little Indians And Their Friends

来源: 06abc.com 作者: 贝谛一家 感谢 贝谛一家 上传 0人参与



Time:  In a sunny morning

Place:  In a wood

Characters: Ten little Indians. Dogs. Pigs. Birds.

Scene  1  (边唱《The Little Indians》边跳舞出场)

Ten Indians:  Hello! The trees and the flowers. We are ten little Indians.

One Indian:  Friends. We introduce ourselves .OK?

The others:  OK!

One by one:  One, I am a boy. I am Tom. I like/can …

             Two, I am a girl. I am Lily. I like/can …



          Ten, I am a ….  I am ….  I like/can …

Scene  2(一阵小狗的叫声)

One Indian:   Listen! What’s the sound?

The others:    What’s the sound?

One Indian:    Is it a chicken?

The others:     No.

One Indian:    Is it a cat?

The others:   No.

One Indian:   Is it a dog?

Dog:       Yes. We are dogs. (Dog jump.) We are clover dogs.


One dog:      Ten little Indians. Good friends! Go go!(跑到印第安小朋友身旁)

 Scene  3

One Indian:    I have some friends. Listen!(小猪的鼾声)

              But you must guess a riddle.(跑到大伙中间,大声说)

                       A    Riddle

           It is fat, It is brown. It has long nose. It has short tail.

What is it?

Every one:      It is pig.

One Indian:     Pigs. Pigs. Get up! Get up!

Pig:            Who call me? (伸个懒腰。边唱《Pig》边学小猪的样子走到台前)

                We are fat pigs. We like eating. We like sleeping. Ha ha!

Ten Indians:     Ha ha! Fat pigs. Come here.

Scene  4

One Indian:     Friends! What the date today?

The other one:   I know. I know. It is 6.1. It is Happy Children’s Day!

Every one:     Yes. Yes. It is Happy Children’s Day!

One Indian:     Are you happy?

Every one:     Happy!  Happy!

One Indian:     Let’s sing a song.

Every one:      Very well!

大家一起边唱《If you are happy!》边跳.


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