
a le o lan(culture) 3year onwards

a le o lan(culture) 3year onwards

Materials: A plastic oon and a steel oon

Modelling clay

A bowl



Grow on the concept of floating and sinking to the child.

To become familiar with objects which float and sink.

To relate the characteristic of floating and sinking to weight, shape and de ity.

To increase the child’s power of o ervation.

To encourage the questioning of o ervation.

Control of error: no

Age: 3 years onwards.

Adult/ child ration: 1 to 1

Anticipated duration: 3 minutes

Date of le on: 10 April 2004


Students should know the concept of floating and sinking.

Advance preparation for the le on:

To e ure all the materials are correct and prepare some water for the experiment.

Step by step guidelines

Introduction and background for teachers:

Tell the child today we are going to play a game about to float or not to float. Before the experiment, teacher should describe and to encourage the child to recollect the concept of float and sink.

When objects sink or float, they push water away. When water is pushed aside we call it di lacement. If the amount of water pushed aside by an object weighs more than the object, the water can hold it up and it floats.

If an object placed in the water pushes away an amount of water that weighs le than the object, the water can’t hold it up and it sinks.

As swimmers know the feeling of weightle e when they move or floating the water that water su orts solid, canceling out some of theirs weight.

The following experiment shows what is needed for an object to float, and how it is that some very heavy objects such as ocean-going shi keep afloat.

Le on plan

This is an individual exercise carried out at a table.

Ask student to describe going swimming. How does the water feel? How do you feel in the water? Have you ever been able to float or sink in the water? What hel you to float on the water? What things have you seen floating on water?

1. Show items on table and encourage the child to predict which will sink or float.

2. Fill the bowl with water.

3. Encourage the child to feel the two different heavy of two oo .

4.Drop them one at a time in water. O erve what ha e .

5. Encourage the child to roll the clay into a ball and a ship. Place them on the water, and then see want ha en. 6. Compare predicted results with what actually ha ened. Discu why certain items floated and others sank.

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