Making: Varieties of little dance hat(中班制作:百变小舞帽)
适用年龄:4-5岁活动目标:1、引导幼儿用不同的材料、不同的方法制作帽子,体验成功的快乐与喜悦。2、培养幼儿的操作能力和审美能力。3、渗透hat, invite, dance等词汇,句型"I want to make……"; "My hat is……"等。活动准备:1、环境准备:在区角内摆放各种各样的帽子。2、材料准备:各种图形、材料的纸,胶水、剪刀、方便面碗、彩笔等。活动过程:1、出示请帖,引起兴趣。(1)今天,我收到一份请帖,怎么回事呢?原来是动物王国请我们去参加帽子舞会。没有帽子怎么办?(一起做)Today, I received an invitation. What ha ened? An animal kingdom invited us to attend a hat dance.How can we get the hats? (Let"s make them together)(2)出示帽子,帽子是用什么做的?怎么做的?可以拆开看看。Boys and girls.I have some hats. Tell me what are made of?How make them?2、制作。这有许多材料,你们可以自己选择材料做出帽子去参加舞会。There are many materials.Make the hat yourself.3、幼儿动手操作,教师给予引导和鼓励。Teacher: What hat do you want to make?Student: I want to make……4、幼儿戴上自制的帽子互相介绍:你做的是什么帽子呢?是怎么做的?What hat do you make? (My hat is……)How do you make it?5、放音乐,幼儿表演帽子舞。舞会的时间到了,请你们表演帽子舞吧!Boys and girls.The dance time is coming, please dance with your hats.Music please!